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Annotated Bibliography (4-5 pages)
100 points total
- Rough draft workshop
- Final draft:
The first step in exploring topics in ethnic literature will be to gain a better understanding of the scholarly work being done on your text and theme. For this project, students will create an annotated bibliography for their proposed final paper text and topic topic.
Scaffolded Steps:
- List of 7 sources (scholarly or professional sources) for annotated bibliography.
- Sources should be published between 2000 - PRESENT.
- One complete (sample) annotation.
- Revised research question.
- Rough draft of Annotated Bibliography for Rough Draft Workshop.
- Rough draft MUST include historical overview of topic related to research question.
- Final draft due to WIKI page AND Turnitin.
- For the final draft of the annotated bibliography and historical overview, students should compile a portfolio of all the assignments listed above.
- The final annotated bibliography and topic history should build towards the final research project.
- Each annotation should be 1 - 2 paragraphs.
- Annotations should include SUMMARY and ASSESSMENT.
- Annotated bib should be SINGLE spaced.
- Annotated Bib with assessment and summary - 100 pts.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Annotated Bibliography
Full participation in Rough Draft Workshop and Conferences (Yes) (No – loss of 10%): ______________
B – C
C- – F
Bibliography (10 pts)
Accurate citation
Inaccurate citation
Incomplete (less than 10 sources)
Research Question (10 pts)
Question that could be answered with a research project
In question formation
Incomplete or absent
Annotations (40 total)
Complete (7-10 sources)
Includes 1-2 sources from 1980s or 1990s
Includes 3-5 sources from 2010 and later
Includes complete summary & assessment (1-2 paragraphs)
Uses the diction and syntax of an annotated bibliography
Complete (at least 7 sources)
Includes 1-2 sources from 1980s or 1990s
Includes 3-5 sources from 2010 and later
Includes summary and assessment
Attempts diction and syntax of annotated bibliography
Incomplete (less than 7 sources)
Does not include sources from all required date ranges.
Lacks either summary or assessment
Improper diction and/or syntax
Summary (20)
1-2 paragraphs
Uses appropriated diction and syntax (brief and professional)
Addresses all important aspects of research article
At least one paragraph
Attempts appropriate style and tone
Less than one paragraph
Inappropriate style and tone
Assessment and Reflection (20)
Assess the value of the research/article (positive and negative)
Recognizes the context of the research
Comments on method, or theory (demonstrates student’s understanding of the research)
Reflects on relation to research question.
Assess the value of the research/article as positive or negative
Lacks assessment (or assessment not apparent)
Summary and Assessment
The summary section of the annotated bibliography is self-explanatory. What is the article or chapter about (in you own words)? There should be NO quotations in a summary - it's your version of someone else's idea.
- Summaries should state the main points and final conclusion of the author's argument.
The assessment is your evaluation of the text: is it good or bad? Why? Assessments should grow as you read and realize which articles are stronger or clearer than others. Think about:
- What evidence does the author uses to support a point?
- Where does the evidence come from (one source, multiple sources)?
- How clear is the argument?
- How persuasive is the argument?
The reflection is why and how the text is useful to YOUR specific research.
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