
Extra Credit

Page history last edited by Abigail Heiniger 6 years, 11 months ago

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Bluestone Review Submission

Submission to the Bluestone Review by 12 March 2018.

  • Follow the guidelines on the flyer here: BluestoneReview color.pdf
  • Post to Turnitin.com 
  • Worth 10 points. 
  • Due 12 March 2018. 


World Poetry Day

Post the poem that you read or posted on the poetry wall for World Poetry Day at Bluefield College (along with the time and place where it was used). The poem can be original OR a traditional favorite (including a Psalm). Include a picture of the post on a Word Document and turn it in here.


Poetry Reading 22 March 2018 at 7:00 

Poetry Reading at the Heritage Preservation Center (115 West Spiller Street, Wytheville). 

Wytheville Poetry Reading.pdf


Attend the poetry reading at the Heritage Preservation Center at 7:00pm. Create a word document with your picture there and write a few sentences reflecting on the experience. Post document to MyBC.   


Paper Collection for QEP


Turn in your FINAL projects AGAIN on MyBC without any identifying material (besides your CLASS and ID number). See instructions below:


Replace your name with your ID number EVERYWHERE on your paper. Then RENAME your file. Save your file with:

  1. Name of the class: ENG 3073
  2. MyBC ID number: ###### 

(So the title of my file would be ENG 3073 123456) 


This will make papers anonymous for QEP collection. 



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